Friday, 20 November 2015

IDENT research

The style of ident I hope to adopt will be similar to these examples. By using a font that will capture the viewers attention and then using effects on the letters in order to make it appear like a professional ident, I should reach some success although my experience using motion and photoshop is limited. The font I will use will come from and the software I am likely to use will be Photoshop and Motion. I believe simplicity will be effective during the creation of my ident as I feel efforts to attempt to use the complex features of these softwares will result in an unprofessional result due to my lack of experience.

Further research into idents has brought me to the conclusion that simplicity is the most effective way of achieving a professional ident, as many low budget production companies use simple idents however it does not appear as unprofessional as it would if an effort was made to incorporate more complexities.

I enjoy the use of the spider in Black Widow productions as the image suits the title and is a relatively striking image due to the use of red on black. Obviously a low budget production company, however an element of professionalism remains due to the obvious thought that was put into collaboration of word and image. Revolver films is most effective at using simplicity, the enlarged letter R references R rated movies as the same font is used, setting the tone of the production company of that of an exclusive company. I would hope to do something similar with my own ident, incorporating an image or font which references something else where people would be aware of thus attaining their attention.

If unable to achieve a professional seeming ident, I can always use a basic font over a blank background, fading in with effects like Lights Out Production does.

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