Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Structure - (ROUGH)

The trailer will be divided into part A / B / C
Part A will include
- Leader introducing new members into the lifestyle of dealing drugs - Rule number 1 / rule number 2 ext
- During induction - I will be Cross cutting between a scene of 2 boys hoodied up wearing balacalavas following another boy on his own eventually attacking him - possibly with an effect on it like sepia or black and white
From this conversation and these images, our audience is encouraged to empathise with both characters, the target audience will show preference to our main character - this conversation has to be well scripted to introduce our gang leader as an experienced gangster - similar to the opening of the trailer of American Gangster - winning the audience over immediately. A voice over will be used during the cross cutting when its the scene with the attack
The cross cutting at the beginning of the trailer will be done similarly to how it is done in the opening of the suicide squad trailer - it builds the tension effectively as well as giving a clear, yet un-descriptive indication of the plot.

Part B
- Following the conversation - we show the brother engaging in a phone call with the police
- Cross cutting will be used again as the brother converses with the police - with the arrest of our main character and the gang leader - both characters will be arrested in different locations indicating they are at two different scenes in the move
In order to achieve a successful scene - lots of work will have to be put into the editing process of cross cutting - extreme closeups of the brother will be used as well to establish a sense of intimacy with the character. - Effects on the voices during conversation with the police officer, as well as a professional sounding police officer will be necessary. In terms of the actual police - older men in suits with badges will be used to suggest an undercover force unless realistic police outfits can be acquired. - The sense of realism is vital to the success in this scene - Lots of footage will be necessary carefully edited together - especially when doing action sequences.

Part C
Up until this point of the trailer, it has gone relatively slow paced, lots of fades to black as well as lots of uses of cross cutting and voiceovers 
- An image of our main characters leaving a police station (possibly Brixton police station) will be shown to show the charges against our characters have been dropped. - Music being provided by louis knightwebb will begin as our gang members leave the police station - building tension
- A montage of violence and aggression will then be shown to show how the situation has now spiralled out of control - this will included group fights - images of men with guns and knives
- Audio clips of our main characters making it clear his purpose is to find his brother give more of a plot indication
- To achieve the fast paced action thriller feel - I will film things breaking - windows smashing - people being thrown - whatever I can film to achieve a sense of real aggression
- Shots of the brothers facing off to finish the trailer will then build on the suspense
I will have to show the dilemma our character is facing - the pressure he is under from the gang to find his brother - yet not wanting to do so due to the fact that it is family - the ending shot will be something like the leader handing the new member a knife or gun to kill his brother and the dilemma will become clear for the audience if it is not clear already.

Style and Tone

Ø  -Dark / ominous 
o    Most shots will be either night time or dusk 
o   Will require lots of artificial lighting – gives grim effect
o   Will attempt to use natural weather – such as rain – especially during night – establishes gritty / London tone
o   Refer to ‘Se7en’ in terms of Style and Tone – Want to give the same Urban effect as Fincher achieves also in ‘Fight Club’
o   Edits will fade slowly to blackness in the beginning and will fade into each other towards the end – builds suspense – music will add to this.
o   Will attempt to shoot during dawn - in order to build on bleak effect - deserted roads ext 
o   shooting during winter will be convenient - more chances for naturally dark scenes / grey shots
o    o   will feature shots of branchless - stark effect - bleak urban life
      o   Refer to Shifty in terms of Urban tone - similar concepts 
      o   Refer to any Tim Burton movie in terms of style - sort of Gothic - dark - gritty 

Seeing as most shots will be taken on road, it is unlikely that my shots will appear stylised to look a certain way like in the film Drive. My sets are not in studio, therefore the Mis En Scen will basically be what is made available to me. I will make an effort to incorporate shots of certain aspects of London which are good representations of what is typical in certain areas such as graffiti and London busses. I will not be providing costumes, but have asked the actors to dress in a certain manner in order to set the tone of the film as grey and slightly dark. To bolster this effect, I will make an effort to shoot on grey days at around 3-4pm when the sun is setting at dusk to provide a grim effect. Any shots taken after around 4:30 will officially appear as night time - I would be smart to keep this in mind during my scheduling.

Narrative (BRIEF)

Ø  I will use my location and the age of my actors to my advantage as opposed to attempting to give the illusion of middle age – this production will be about youths – aged suggestively 18 – 19
o   South London – Drug related drama / thriller (VERY BRIEF OVERVIEW)
o   Young Gang leader introducing new members into his drug dealing ring (hard drugs) - focus on 1 particular new member - young - nervous
o   After a series of tense encounters – a worried brother informs police on his brother on suspected drug dealing, fearing for his brothers safety
o   After being  subject to arrest – the Gang leader learns of his new members brothers involvement with the police
o   Whilst continuing the build on his drug empire – the Gang leader searches for the new members brother in the streets of South London with his gang of hoodlums - expecting our new members to aid his search for his brother - causing issues.
o   After several clashes with police and rival gangs –the gang leader and the new member finds his brother resulting in drama – possibly attempts / kills him - expecting the new member to be part of the killing
Ø  The purpose of this production is to make our audiences question their morals – what makes a bad person – what is the right thing to do in certain situations ect.. 
Ø  Editing will allow me to achieve a successful trailer by using short clips of action sequences to make them seem as real as possible 
Ø  Narrative over phone calls will give our audience an idea as to what the movie involves – a conversation between the brothers is likely to be the opening to immediately inform our audience of the concerned brother – and the drug dealer


Ø  Gang leader – over confident – young – shaved head – designer clothing – jewellery – puffer jacket – similar characteristics to Denzel Washington in American Gangster in terms of priorities and justifications
Ø  New member - less confident / uncertain / nervous - plain clothing - shaved head - TROUBLED 
Ø  Brother – Opposite to gang leader– Nervous – longer hair – young – concerned – generally unlike his brother
Ø  Gang of Hoodlums – Refer to Kidulthood /Adulthood – typical south London roadmen – tracksuits – puffer jackets / hats


Ø  Will open trailer with conversation between brothers – clips will be shown atop the conversation to give impression of voiceover – gives indication of plot as well as characters
Ø  Phone call with police will be incorporated – phone effect will have to be added to the voices to give illusion of a real phone call 
Ø  Music will be created by myself and Louis Knightwebb / Nick Moore / Alfie Sealy – will be fitting with shots used – begins with general drones to build suspense – will form into beats similar to that of the grime scene – build on south London effect – consider this high levels of importance – will spend lots of time perfecting this
Most likely to start off trailer with quite background music - in order to build tension - not an actual song - but something with a slow beat in order to accompany the conversations in order to prevent there from being any actual silence

Friday, 11 September 2015

Explore the genre and conventions of your chosen media text. How do you plan to adhere to or develop these conventions?

After analysing several movie trailers in my choses genre - Action Thriller -  I have noticed recurring themes in different trailers which are used to cause suspense and interest in the viewer. I have analysed trailers of large budget movies in order to grasp concepts of how experienced film makers advertise their film to the public as well as lower budget movies to see how suspense and interest can be spawned from viewing a production with a minimum budget. The difference between the levels of funding are noticeable, however they still share ideas and concepts in which I will hope to mimic in my trailer.

My research has led me to understand the essentials of what is required in a film trailer. An indication of the plot must be given, less the movie be entirely action packed madness (Mad Max: Fury Road), as well as indication as to what the characters are like, and which characters are involved in the production. When looking at the Suicide Squad trailer, we see shots of each individual character accompanied by clips of action and guns, telling us these characters will be involved in such violence. When indicating towards violence in my trailer, a similar technique will be used in order to demonstrate there being violence amongst my proposed characters.

Recurring techniques such as the fade to black occurs in most trailers of my proposed genre. When building suspense, these trailers begin slowly, with slow establishing shots for our viewers to understand the tone of the production and the general settings. The trailers then gradually increase in pace as the edits fade the shots directly into each other as opposed to black, this is generally accompanied by increasingly dramatic music as well as more frequent clips of violence. This technique will be copied in my trailer which I plan to do similarly - begin slow with slow music and shots - by the end - fast shots with louder music.

Audio is vital in making a trailer successful. A beginning narrative of a character discussing topics related to the film immediately tells the viewers information in which the director wants the audience to know about the movie, making the context of the trailer relevant. I plan to open my trailer with a conversation similar to that in the intro of American Gangster in order to immediately make my audience aware of the context of the film without having to do so visually. This will also allow for the audience to have a concept of my main character, which will attract them into finding out more.

Music is important to build tensions and suspense. Music which works parallel to the visual images such as in the trailer of Deadpool gives the trailer a generally more professional feeling. In my production, I will consider the music to be one of the most important factors and word hard on fitting the audio to the images.

Attack the Block Trailer analysis

-opens with lots of blue lighting - modern - syfy elements
 -Immediately aware of the Science Fiction element - aliens landing - scifi sounding music
-Short clips of characters show typical south London boys - 'Alien Invasion'
-Image of Nick Frost - comedy element
-Fast paced edits of weapons - aliens suggests large amounts of violence
-Edits suggest action packed thriller comedy
-Culture drama

Starred up trailer analysis

-opening music suggests edgy qualities of film
-Quick shots of character going to prison reveal prison based movie
-Narrative suggests film is character based
-Shots of fight sequences edited in show film to be violent and about anger
-Narrative further reviles plot twist - his father in the same prison as him
-Fast paced editing suggests fast paced movie - constant action
-Audio increases in pace - action based thriller
-Clips show troubled violent young man - plot synopsis can be assumed from trailer
-Clips of film edited together to demonstrate characters issues and emotional difficulties - suggests film has psychological element.

The Babadook Trailer Analysis

-Opening shot reviles plot - children book haunting family somehow
-Swelling synths build tension - edits of book combined with child's reaction gives further plot indications
-Editing in sync with audio - effective in building tension
-Shots of mother portray film as psychological horror as well - going crazy
-Editing begins slow - increases in pace - building tension
-Increasing in volume towards end of trailer
-Features shocking images - creepy images - demonstrates horror aspects of film

American Gangster Trailer Analysis

-Immediate quick pace intro - establishing shot of New York skyline - big city movie
-Denzel Narrative -  immediately reviles movie to be about 1 mans conquest - suits title
-Shots of Denzel walking with packs of people - shows character - well respected
-Quick shots of violence and gunfire - violent gangster movie
-Fast paced editing - money stacking - guns - police - typical gangster movie
-Frequent shots of Russel Crow and Denzel - A list actors - selling the movie
-Narrative further gives indication of characters characteristics
-Denzel shown as family man - man of the people - frequent shots of him with his family - Crow shown to be hard working detective - clearly attempting to bring down Denzel - plot
-Shots of relationships - possible romance during the film

Suicide Squad Trailer Analysis

- Opening narrative immediately reveals plot details 'the worst of the worst'
- Slow opening - builds tension - slow shots of military - officers - gives indication of characters
- Music - creepy - slow - suits images - frequent fades to black further builds tension
- Rendition of song 'the joke was on me' - fitting to scary images of the squad - possible reference to the joker (not reviled until the end)
- Fades reveal characters
- Gradual increase of drama - edits become quicker - synthesizers increase in volume - builds tension effectively
- Pace of editing works parallel to drum beat towards end of trailer - gives sense of fluidity
- Joker revealed at end of trailer - lots of suspense

Civil War Trailer Analysis

  • Opening Shot accompanied by ambient noise - building tension - bleak shot of garage looking set - gritty tone
  • Conversation between characters slow and soft - cross cut with contrasting shots of explosions and soldiers - conversation is voiced over - giving indication of plot
  • Builds dramatically - shots become parallel with sounds used - shows action shots - dramatic shots - builds tension - suddenly changes to calmness 
  • Soft piano music paralleled with helicopter noise - effective in creating tense atmosphere - gives feeling of things falling apart. - Cross cut with dramatic shots - voice over giving indication of plot line - dramatic sounds paralleled with shots 0:43 - effective
  • Dialougue voiceover gives further indication - words used such as Vigilante and Unlimited power / no longer tolerate
  • Close ups on documents - gives official agency indications
  • Music gradually builds - minimalist - adds instruments
  • Shot of Ironman opening door - dramatic - no longer main character 
  • Voiceover crossed over with shots gives further plot indications
  • Music increases in pace along with shots - edited closer together - less fades to black
  • multiple chase scenes
  • slow motion - builds tension
  • Final shot of fight scene demonstrates the Versus in the movie

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

8 mile Trailer analysis

  • Opening sounds of Eminem rapping - shows him with child - indicates sentimental part of the movie
  • Multiple shots of people telling him he's bad at his life - indication of movie plot ' can never save enough money to get out of this place ' ext
  • Fast paced shots of character with his friends - violence - contrasts with shots of family life - paralleled with his original music
  • Shots of him with a crowd - element of success
  • shots with female - suggest element of romance
  • Shows the film is about a story 

Top Boy Trailer

  • Opening shot of character - main character - voiceover gives us indication of plot 
  • Second shot of explosion - suggests violence
  • close ups of drugs and money - suggests gangster life
  • Shots of men with guns - getting stabbed - violence
  • Voiceovers cross cut with relevant shots - 
  • Music calm - builds gradually throughout trailer - gets more tense

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer analysis

  • Opening music - swelling synthesisers - suggests aggressiveness / war / tension - builds on the epic concept of the film ( Batman vs Superman) - Blasting of horns accompanied by synthesisers suggests classical dualism - reference to the Batman v Superman versus being a recurring comic book theme since the beginning of comics (1940s)
  • Voice overs during a black screen refers to the darkness of Batman whilst multiple voices give hints as to what is the cause of the tension - the use of multiple voices instead of purely one in a radio format suggests the matter is a worldwide crisis and not local dispute - further adds to the epic concept of the film.
  • Slow zoom on large statue shows Superman to be a God like figure - whilst occasionally cutting to clips of Superman being worshiped - followed by an image of FALSE GOD written on the statues chest - this combined with the voiceover gives us a clear indication as to the plot of the film - thus gaining interest from the audience as those who were not aware of the comic book plot now have an idea, whilst those who have read the comics now begin to guess the details of the film - throughout the trailer : slight indications are shown to suggest upcoming villains for those who have knowledge of the comic book series such as the riddler symbol spray painted at (1:21). - These indications allow for viral marketing over websites as superhero audiences (a huge audience) share insight about the trailer, which spills over to none superhero audience effectively exposing everyone to the trailer.
  • Medium shots of Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill are used to promote the film with the use of famous actors as fans of the actors will want to view the film regardless of their genre preference.
  • Similar shots are used to show the new Bat Suit - another cause for attention from superhero audiences as it is reviled that the suit closely resembles that of the original comic book suit - another plus for the superhero fan base.
  • The return of the intense swelling synthesising music towards the second half of the trailer accompanied by striking visual images of Batman and explosions reminds our audience that this film will be action packed and visually exciting. - The use of the camera gliding around the Superman emblem also further builds the tension between the two characters.
  • The end of the trailer then reviles a face to face battle between superman and the armoured Batman - long awaited

Get Rich or Die trying trailer

  • opening shots accompanied by Gunshots - immediately sets tone as violent film -screaming - men with guns
  • Shows gang leader - voice over 'I want to make this very clear' - crossed over with 50 cent walking down road looking gangster
  • Quick edits of men with guns - fast paced movie - music builds on this fast pace
  • Mob leader acting wise 'violence does not get more money' - above the street violence
  • Edits accompanying blue makes it appear like crime watch - fitting with the style of the movie
  • Cross cut conversations with scenes of violence 
  • Multiple shots of money
  • Shots of robbery going wrong - people getting killed
  • Graphics give further plot indication 
  • Fades to white as opposed to black
  • Conversation voiceovers give to much indication as to what will happen in the movie
  • Original music build on the fact it is a real story
  • shots about 0.5 seconds long each